- 03/31/2023
- 6:00 pm
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
655 C Avenue
Coronado, CA 92118
Phone: (619) 435-3167
Stations of the Cross and Soup Suppers begin THiS Friday, 6pm! (Yes! There will be Soup Supper THIS Friday after Stations of the Cross!!) ... See MoreSee Less
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“Come back to me…with all your heart.. don’t let fear, keep us apart!” ... See MoreSee Less
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“This little light 💡 of mine I’m gonna let it shine. This little light 💡 of mine I’m gonna let ya it shine.” Song 🎵 lyric writer ✍️—- . BtW the parish hall flickering light 💡 either broken or a test for response can someone climb a ladder remove the bulb and replace it before an epileptic sues. The La Jolla playhouse disclaimer is strobe lights etc as a non profit to disclose what ADA they cannot accommodate so can the Catholic discosw who declared bankruptcy please cc the sacred heart request for 67g have $18 go to a handy person or drone to fix the light bulb tonight. I don’t care if it is a Girl Scout or Eagle Scout boy or girl with a San Diego county workers permit to work at age 15 for an entity that for profit lawyer Daniel has advertised in the bulletin and for profit real estate agents for the Cays advertise in can the hiring manager please get the light bulb fixed and publish on Facebook with the author and editor of who posted it AI or a hired human of the outcome of the light bulb. I did not go to Saint Patrick’s for ash on my forehead as I would like to know the source of the ashes. Is it from the deacons BBq or do they ship it in from Amazon for $16.95 from a humanly treated olive tree farm in Jerusalem? Sacred ❤️ Nado I am still registered at and we all need to get our registry books. Prayers for Barbara from the shores and that her sons come and check on her soon. Hh
I will make a video for my feed what was pleasantly communicated as auto fill butchered it .
Join us tomorrow, Wednesday March 5th, as we begin our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday Mass! ... See MoreSee Less
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Lent begins
LENT begins THIS Wednesday!!
Here are the Lenten happens at Sacred Heart. Please see bull item, Friday “”Flocknote”, or call our office for more details.
How will you live Lent this year?
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❤️❤️❤️ sharing now on my feed. Thank you.
Enjoying good food and good company at a Morning of Reflection at Sacred Heart.
Guest speaker Dotti Hulburt reflects on the words and example of our Blessed Mother Mary through the Bible passages of Finding Jesus in the Temple and the Wedding Feast at Cana.
Mary always points us to Jesus and God will walk with us and shows us the way.
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Was this not recorded so we can listen.. thanks 🙏
Nice turnout! I was too late ⏰ with an RSVP to participate Mary A said as supplies Carrie was already in the process of buying, but glad to see women participating. I am wondering how the church can include generations like Jean in the music ministry in college and others women working on Saturdays in future events perhaps recording the session and positing on Facebook and livestream participants. I ended up doing some trash removal this morning to help a friend who is providing me a place and some tidying up the backyard before the rain. Prayers sent!
Such a blessed morning! So much wisdom in Dotti’s sharing! Cary thank you & all our sisters in Christ that made everything so special🙏
God made each and every one of us with different gifts that we can use to help make the Mass a special celebration. Priests, Deacons, Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers, Children’s Liturgy leaders, musicians and Choir members, Ushers & Live-Streaming technicians …
Whatever your gift, there is a place for it within the community of the Mass.
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Come say “hi” to our Confirmation student serving Coffee and Donuts this morning. Give them words of encouragement as they continue preparations to make Jesus real in their lives and commit to live out their Catholic faith. ... See MoreSee Less
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“Learning to stop and be still is absolutely necessary before we can listen and respond fully and gratefully to Life—moment by moment.” –Br. David Steindl-Rast
Shared from GratefulLiving
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March 1 at Sacred Heart Coronado!
Based on the scriptural words of Mary - a good start as Lent approaches! Mary only speaks in 4 passages from scripture yet I have found them appropriate for the whole of the spirituall life.
We reflected on the first two passages at the parish Advent Dinner (the Annunciation and the Visitation/Magnificat)
For this we will consider The Finding of Jesus in the Temple and the Wedding Feast of Cana (March 5 is Ash Wednesday) Yummy breakfast and mini mary garden craft too! Even a “garden” option you cannot kill 😉
Would be great to see you, if you can make it!
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Need some time with Jesus?
Join us - TONIGHT- “Third Thursday” Adoration, in our St. Francis Chapel, 7-8pm.
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Prayers sent from Carlsbad. Was in the phone with positive news from my lawyer during this time.