- 11/03/2018 - 11/04/2018
- All Day
Every first full weekend of the month there is a collection of canned goods for Casa de los Pobres and our very own emergency cupboard in the Ministry Center for people who come in asking for food.
The following is collected: canned goods [pop-top cans are very helpful] such as soups (chicken, beef, and vegetable), beans, vegetables, pastas (ravioli or spaghetti), tuna, vienna sausages, and fruit and cups of ramen noodles, ready to eat items like crackers (cheese, peanut butter, etc.) and small size items for those without refrigeration are very helpful, as well. Please check the expiration date.
These items may be dropped off before or after Mass on the first full weekend of the month or at the Ministry Center anytime during office hours or a monetary donation can be made to the Food Pantry (check made out to Sacred Heart). Thank you for your donations!