- 05/20/2018
- 6:00 pm
- Sacred Heart Church Youth Room
655 C Ave
Coronado, CA 92118
Our Special Needs Ministry is a diverse group that embraces people of all ages with varying abilities with the commitment and intent to fully live the gospel values of welcome and inclusion.
We are excited to be embarking on a new journey together entitled HE CALLS US FRIENDS.
The vision for this is to develop a scripture based faith sharing group that is ecumenical and inclusive for teens and adults, open to those with special needs and those who care for them, along with our community members who wish to join us in prayer, discovery, discipleship and fellowship.
This is not just a special gathering for the disabled, but open to the parish – inclusive!
Join us Sunday evening May 20th at 6:00pm in the courtyard of Sacred Heart Church!
• We will walk together to the youth center where our gatherings will be held.
• Experience a sample session together
• Explore possibilities as we plan how best to begin
• Enjoy fellowship among your friends, and make new friends
Our desire is to provide a lived experience of welcome and acceptance in the family of God as we walk together, each of us learning to be friends of Jesus along the Way of Love.
If you have a heart for serving those with special needs, give us a call. We’d love to get you involved!
God has a beautiful plan. In this plan, everyone counts. There is room for all of us. Everyone belongs!
Dorothy Hulburt DCM at 619-435-3167; dcm@sacredheartcor.org
Maria Nagy-Medved at 703-203-5668; marko.maria@sbcglobal.net