- 09/28/2020 - 10/07/2020
- 12:00 am
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,,
I am writing to invite you to a Rosary procession downtown on October 10, 2020. Attached is a flyer concerning the event. I hope that you can attend and will share it with your family and friends.
The reason for the Rosary Procession is that our nation and its people are feeling the crippling weight of that comes from the loss of a sense of God. Our streets have become frenzied with violent destruction. As Catholic men and women, we have the power of prayer to unite our country.
I just heard about Unite Our Nation, a group formed to help bring peace and prayer to local communities, and healing to our nation. It’s not political, but rather passionately prayerful. More important, they believe in the power of the Eucharist and the serenity of the rosary.
Here’s what they did.
In Madison, Wisconsin, a few regular men and women took to the streets on the Feast of The Assumption in a reverent, prayerful and peaceful procession (fully permitted). Check out their video—very powerful. When we bring Our Lord and the Blessed Mother out of the churches and into the streets of America, we create a powerful witness. I want to be a part of the same kind of event here in San Diego and hope that you will join me.
Unite Our Nation is planning a prayer procession for:
- Saturday, October 10 at 1pm
- Outside of the San Diego County Administration Building
1600 Pacific Highway
San Diego, CA 92101
For more information and to register, visit www.uniteournation.net/
Father Mike