- 05/17/2019 - 05/19/2019
- All Day
- Whispering Winds
17606 Harrison Park Rd
Julian, CA 92036
Whispering Winds Women’s Auxiliary May Retreat in Julian – Come join us on holy ground for a retreat on May 17th – 19th, 2019. Catholic speaker Rose Sweet will lead us to “Adventure into the Interior Life.” What is the Interior Life? It is the soul’s honest seeking of God, and the truth of him, in everything—starting with the ordinary and leading to the extra-ordinary!
$195 for the whole weekend: 2 nights & 6 meals; $100 for Saturday only, lunch & dinner included Questions: Lisa Moritz 619-871-9469 Scholarships are available…please don’t let the cost keep you from joining Him and us on the mountain. Financial Assistance: Chris Villalobos 619-977-7403 Registration and more info at https://whisperingwinds.org