- 04/14/2018
- 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
- Sacred Heart Catholic Church
655 C Ave
Coronado, CA 92118
Join us for a special mass honoring people with special needs and those who care for them.
We invite you to wear white, as a means of recalling the vows we made at baptism, that all are called to live as adopted sons and daughters of the Father. And feel free to add a bit of color too – a sign of our joy and unique gifts as beloved children of God.
What a beautiful and wondrous gift to know God’s creative and loving power is at work in each of us. Whatever our gifts, we can offer them in love and then, we can simply be there for one another.
We invite people with disabilities of all ages to participate in various ministries at the Mass, including greeters, readers, singers, altar servers and gift bearers. All of these can be done with a ‘buddy’ or family member as you like.
God has a beautiful plan. In this plan, everyone counts.
There is room for all of us. Everyone belongs!
Join us in celebrating the liturgy with no barriers, as one body of Christ.
If you would like to serve at this mass in some capacity, please contact Maria Nagy 703-203-5668 or email Dotti Hulburt dcm@sacredheartcor.org
Sacred Heart Special Needs Ministry serves to support the meaningful participation of individuals with disabilities and their families in the life of the church. This event celebrates the full active participation of all our members, but it doesn’t stop here. If you would like to be more involved in a parish activity, receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist or serve at the mass on a regular basis, we are happy to welcome you!
The more who participate, the merrier!