Lions, Tigers, and Permits. Oh my!


Last month, the City of Coronado’s Historical Committee unanimously approved our building project plans to alter our historical property, which will maintain the Irving Gill style of architecture.

What does this mean?

This approval allows us to make much needed improvements to our historical property and moves us one step closer to the new buildings and renovations in the project:

  • New Chapel for prayer, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, class liturgies, and small weddings, funerals, and baptisms
  • New Parish Hall with an improved kitchen, more restrooms, and built-in audio/visual capabilities
  • Renovation of the Ministry Center to include a larger gathering space and built-in audio/visual capabilities
  • Air conditioning in the Church
  • Expanded center courtyard

What’s next?

With all building projects, a long period of meetings to obtain approvals and permits is involved.

This month, we meet with City Council to approve the requested exceptions. Once we receive this additional approval, we can begin to finalize the architectural drawings and work toward a Conditional Use Permit.

As these steps are taken, we move closer to actual demolition and construction and hence the need to fully fund the project.

We are pleased to report that as of Friday, November 2nd we have received $1,880,000 in gifts toward the pledged amount of $4,268,803.

We are grateful to everyone who has given thus far.

We need everyone’s participation, as each are able, to complete this project.

Please prayerfully decide on your sacrificial gift.