Sacred Heart Bulletin for June 3rd, 2018

Question of the Week

Gospel Reading:             Mark 14:12—16, 22—26

God instituted the Old Covenant to Abraham and his descendants forever. Its precepts included circumcision of all men and obedience to God’s commands. The crowning act of the Old Covenant was God’s freeing them from slavery under the Egyptians, and the Passover which precipitated their release. God then took them all under his wing and cared for them “as the apple of his eye.”

At the final Passover meal that Jesus shared with his disciples, he instituted the New Covenant, which frees us from slavery to sin. Our release is precipitated by Jesus’ giving his blood and his body for us by dying on the cross, and our acceptance of his sacrifice. Now God takes into his tender care all those who are freed by the body and blood of Jesus.

Question: What have I been freed from?


Bulletin 6/3/2018